You can find dfrnt's lead artist Mia live streaming artwork on our official Twitch channel. FOLLOW her there to be notified when she GOES LIVE and SUBSCRIBE to support her work! Feel free to stop by and even chat live as Mia works on all sorts of art.
If you have Amazon Prime, you already have the ability to subscribe to one streamer per month for FREE, in return that helps her with a small contribution. Simply connect your Amazon Prime account to Twitch, then hit the subscribe button on her channel and use your free sub to let her know you enjoy her efforts and want to help her continue to be creative. Follow the steps in THIS VIDEO for more info on how subscribe to user dfrnttimes on twitch for free.
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Cuban American artist hailing from Miami, of course. Lover of comics, film, and all things nerdy. Mia has always had her head in the clouds until she found a medium to bring them down to Earth. As the BETTER HALF, jajaja, of dfrnt, Mia works full time to execute many of dfrnt's designs with her signature yet evolving style. To put it her way, I DO WHAT I WANT!!
Born and raised in Lennox California, Tony uses his Mexican roots as a source of inspiration and a reason to inspire. His full time career in the motion picture industry inspires him to keep creating new art and eventually stories of his own with dfrnt. After work Tony spends as much time as Mia lets him get away with, managing and assisting with dfrnt projects.